Monday, November 2, 2009


Feeling better today!!!  Only had to rush to bathroom twice!  I think my body is beginning to adjust to this new medication.  I am sooo thankful!  I was able to get out, run an errand for my mom and go grocery shopping.  I needed to get some appropriate food for my new life-style!

Breakfast:  1/2 Egg McMuffin from McD's = 150 calories (the 1/2 wasn't planned, Luke stole it from me!!!)  3/4 McD's 1% milk jug = 75 calories
Breakfast Total = 225 calories

Lunch:  Turkey sandwich w/ mustard = 210 calories; 3/4 medium apple = 65 calories
Lunch Total = 275 calories

Dinner:  So glad I saved my calories!!!  4oz fried chicken breast = 379 calories; 4 oz sirloin tips = 227 calories; 4 oz mashed potatoes = 70 calories; 1 C green beans = 25 calories; 1/2 ear corn cob (no butter - yea me!) = 60 calories
Dinner Total = 761

Daily Total = 1261

I'm still not making the time to do what I need on exercise.  I always seem to have an excuse.  I just need to get up and do it!!!

I really need to concentrate more on my water intake.  I did really well the first couple of days.  Now, I just seem to forget.  I need to make sure I have a mug or bottle of water with me wherever I go.  Today I drank 48 ounces of water.  I really need to make sure I am getting a minimum of 64 ounces!

I found out today one of my childhood friends is now an orphan.  Her father passed a couple of years ago and her mother just a day or so ago.  It reminded me of why I am doing this.  I don't want my children to be orphans, even at the age of 38!  I want to be around to see my grandchildren and great grandchildren!

Day 3

Rough morning.  Up at 4:00 am, 4:45 am and 7:45 am making a rush to the bathroom.  Ugh!!!  I'm still hoping and praying I can adjust to this new medicine.  It's worth it if I can lose the weight I want.  Stayed home from church today for fear of having to spend the morning in the church bathroom.

Breakfast:  1 slice cinnamon raisin toast 90 calories, 3/4t promise spread 15 calories, one egg, scrambled w/ 1/2 slice fat free american cheese 105 calories.
Breakfast total = 210 calories.

Lunch:  1.5 C chicken noodle soup (1/2 water) 90 calories, 10 saltine crackers 120 calories.
Lunch total = 210 calories

Dinner:  Taco Bell - 1 crunchy beef taco 170 calories, 1 beef combo burrito 450 calories
Dinner total = 620 calories

Day 3 TOTAL:  1040 calories